

Blogs and opinion pieces


Humphrey, C. (2024). “How callable capital can be used to grow MDB lending capacity.” Devex opinion piece, 16 April 2024.

Persaud, A. and C. Humphrey (2023). “Readying the Multilateral Development Banks for the Climate Fight.” Project Syndicate, 09 October 2023.

Chakrabarti, S. and C. Humphrey (2022). “Rebooting the World Bank.” Project Syndicate, 28 November 2022.

Humphrey, C. (2022). “Higher lending, bigger impact: tackling global crises through multilateral development bank reform.” ODI, 25 July 2022.

Humphrey, C. (2021). “The deeper questions about China and the multilateral banks underneath the Doing Business controversy.” ODI, 05 October 2021.

Humphrey, C. (2021). “G20 green lights commission to look at the linchpin of multilateral finance.” ODI, 15 July 2021.

Humphrey, C. (2021). “The case for an external review of multilateral development bank capital adequacy.” ODI, 20 March 2021.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “The multilateral tools waiting to be used by the Biden administration.” ODI, 11 December 2020.

Humphrey, C. and F. Brugger. (2020). “The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Financing the Sustainable Development Goals.” Policy Brief, ETH NADEL.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “Die ersten vier Tätigkeitsjahre der neuen Entwicklungsbanken AIIB und NDB.” Oekonommenstimme blog, ETH Zurich, 20 May 2020.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “Multilateral banks have $750 bln in reserve financial capacity. Now is the time to use it.” Devex, 20 April 2020.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “The First Four Years of Operations at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and New Development Bank.Global Policy, opinion. 28 April 2020.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “Opinion: Multilateral banks have $750B in reserve financial capacity. Now is the time to use it.” Devex Global Views, 20 April 2020.

African Development Bank’s landmark deal opens the door to scaling up multilateral lending.” ODI, 5 October 2018.

Humphrey, C. (2016). “How multilateral agencies can move from ‘billions to trillions,’” Beyond BRICS Blog, Financial Times, 30 September 2016.

Humphrey, C. (2016). “An extra trillion dollars: could the development banks be doing more?The Guardian, 18 May 2016.

Humphrey, C. (2016). “Could multilateral banks be lending an extra $1 trillion?” ODI, 6 May 2016.

Humphrey, C. (2016). “The problem with development banks' environmental and social safeguards.” ODI, 14 April 2016.

Humphrey, C. (2015). “China’s AIIB bank set to become major player while new BRICS bank lags behind.” ODI, 30 April 2015.

Humphrey, C. (2015). "Asiatische Infrastrukturinvestmentbank (AIIB): grosser diplomatischer Erfolg für China." De Facto. University of Zurich, 15 December 2015.

Books and Book Contributions

Humphrey, C. (December 2022). Financing the Future: Multilateral Development Banks in the Changing World Order of the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Humphrey, C. (2017). “Ruth Ben-Artzi. 2016. Regional development banks in comparison: Banking strategies versus development goals.” Book review, Review of International Organizations 12 (3): 485-489.

Humphrey, C. (2016). “Shareholder Interests and Loan ‘Hassle Factors’ at Multilateral Development Banks.” in Susan Park and Jonathan Strand (eds) Global Economic Governance and the Development Practices of the Multilateral Development Banks. New York: Routledge.

Policy articles


Humphrey, C., C. McHugh, E. White and B. Getzel. “Maximising the developmental value of MDB callable capital: Project findings and path forward.” ODI Working Paper, 10 April 2024.

Humphrey, C. “The legal underpinnings of MDB callable capital: implications and policy options.” ODI Working Paper, 22 January 2024.

Humphrey, C., C. McHugh and E. White. “Making sense of hybrid capital for multilateral banks.” ODI Emerging Analysis, 14 November 2023.

Humphrey, C. (2023) “Tapping the potential of borrower-led multilateral development banks.” ODI Working Paper, 27 January 2023.

Humphrey, C., H.P. Lankes and N. Lee. (2022) “Making the best use of MDBs’ $2 trillion in callable capital.” ODI Policy Briefing, 09 December 2022.

Humphrey, C. (2022). “AfDB’s new Room2Run highlights opportunities and questions about MDB risk transfer.” ODI Policy Insight, 06 December 2022.

Oteh, A., R. Karsenti, E. Nelson and C. Humphrey (2022). “Reforming capital adequacy at MDBs: How to prudently unlock more financial resources to face the world’s development challenges.” ODI Policy Insight, 28 September 2022.

Humphrey, C. and A. Prizzon (2022). “Why and how multilateral development banks should operate in middle-income countries.” ODI Policy Insight, 21 September 2022.

Humphrey, C. (2022). “What will the Ukraine conflict mean for multilateral development finance?” ODI Emerging Analysis, March 2022.

Humphrey, C. and Y. Chen (2021). “China in the multilateral development banks: evolving strategies of a new power.” ODI Research Report, September 2021. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2021). “New shareholders for multilateral development banks: a viable approach to increase development finance?” ODI Emerging Analysis, April 2021. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. and A. Prizzon (2020). “Scaling up multilateral bank finance for the Covid-19 recovery.” ODI Emerging Analysis, November 2020. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. and S. Mustapha (2020). “Lend or suspend? Maximizing the impact of multilateral bank financing in the Covid-19 crisis.” ODI Working Paper 585, July 2020. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “All hands on deck: How to scale up multilateral financing to face the Covid-19 crisis.” ODI Briefing paper April 2020. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2020). “From Drawing Board to Reality: The First Four Years of Operations at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and New Development Bank.” Policy paper for the Inter-Governmental Group of 24 and Boston University Global Development Policy Center, April 2020. Washington: G24.

Humphrey, C. (2018). “Channeling private investment to infrastructure: What can multilateral development banks realistically do?” ODI Working Paper 534, April 2018. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2018). “The Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Shaping Multilateral Finance: Recent Developments and Policy Options.” Policy paper for the Inter-Governmental Group of 24, 3 April 2018. Washington: G24.

Prizzon, A., C. Humphrey, I. Kaul, K. Kodera, A. McKechnie and A. Rogerson (2017). “Six recommendations for reforming multilateral development banks: An essay series.” December 2017. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2017). “Six proposals to strengthen the finances of multilateral development banks.” ODI Working Paper, April 2017. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2016). "Time for a new approach to environmental and social protection at multilateral development banks.” ODI Briefing Paper, April 2016. London: ODI.

Bradlow, D. and C. Humphrey. (2015). “Sustainability and Infrastructure Investment: National Development Banks in Africa.” GEGI Boston University. Boston: Boston University.

Humphrey, C. (2015). “Are Credit Rating Agencies Limiting the Operational Capacity of Multilateral Development Banks?” Policy paper for the Group of 24, October 30, 2015. Washington: G24.

Humphrey, C., S. Griffith-Jones, J. Xu, R. Carey and A. Prizzon. (2015). “Multilateral development banks in the 21st century: three perspectives on China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.” Overseas Development Institute Working and Discussion Paper, December 2015. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2015). “Development Revolution or Bretton Woods Revisited? The prospects of the BRICS New Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.” ODI Working Paper, April 2015. London: ODI.

Humphrey, C. (2015). “Challenges and Opportunities for Multilateral Development Banks in 21st Century Infrastructure Finance.” Global Green Growth Institute and G24 special paper series on infrastructure finance and development. Seoul: GGGI.

Humphrey, C. (2015). “National Development Banks and Infrastructure Provision: A Comparative Study of Brazil, China and South Africa.” Global Green Growth Institute and G24 special paper series on infrastructure finance and development. Seoul: GGGI.

Humphrey, C. (2015). “The African Development Bank: Ready to Face the Challenges of the Future?” Swedish Expert Group for Aid Studies Report 4, March 2015. EBA: Stockholm.

Humphrey, C. and A. Prizzon (2014). “Guarantees for development: a review of multilateral development bank operations.” ODI Research Paper, December 2014. London: ODI.

Peer reviewed Academic articles


Humphrey, C. and K. Michaelowa. (2019). "China in Africa: Competition for Traditional Development Finance Institutions?" World Development 120: 15-28.

Humphrey, C. (2019). “‘Minilateral’ Development Banks: What the Rise of Africa’s Trade and Development Bank Says About Multilateral Governance.Development and Change 50 (1): 164-190.

Humphrey, C. (2017). “He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune: Credit Rating Agencies and Multilateral Development Banks.Review of International Organization 12: 281-306.

Humphrey, C. (2016). “The Invisible Hand: Financial Pressures and Organizational Convergence in Multilateral Development Banks.Journal of Development Studies Vol. 52, No. 1, pp 92-112.

Humphrey, C. (2014). “The Politics of Loan Pricing in Multilateral Development Banks.Review of International Political Economy Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 611-639. Winner, 2013 Swiss Network for International Studies International Geneva Award.

Humphrey, C. and K. Michaelowa. (2013). “Shopping for Development: Multilateral Lending, Shareholder Composition and Borrower Preferences.World Development Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 142-155.

Other Publications


Humphrey, C. (2013). The Business of Development: Borrowers, Shareholders, and the Reshaping of Multilateral Development Lending. Thesis for the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of International Development. Passed oral examination March 7, 2013 with no revisions.

Molinas Vega, J., G. Facchini and C. Humphrey. (2011). Human Opportunities for Children in Chaco, Argentina. Technical note, LAC Vice-Presidency, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Humphrey, C. (2008). Operational Innovations in Analytical and Advisory Services. LAC Vice-Presidency, Operations Policy Unit. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Fretes Cibils, V., C. Humphrey and R. Polastri. (2007). “The Power of Growth to Build a Prosperous Society.” In An Opportunity for a Different Peru: Prosperous, Equitable and Governable, eds. M. Giugale, V. Fretes-Cibils and J. Newman. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Humphrey, C. (2003). “Narcotics, Economics and Poverty.” In Mexico Southern States Development Strategy, ed. G. Hall. Washington D.C.: World Bank.